A Brief History
Founded in 1947, the Suffolk County Radio Club (SCRC) is one of Long Island’s oldest radio clubs, dedicated to preserving the past and promoting the future of Amateur Radio.
One of the earliest mentions of the club in print includes QST 1948-02 Vol 32 Iss 2 (link to archive.org) where the club is mentioned as participating is the 11th ARRL Field Day of ’47 on pages 39 and 118 which includes a fantastic picture of a portable cabin for operations and a mobile emergency unit (note: the Model T was a classic car even when this picture was taken)!

According to the 1947 Radio Amateur Call Book W2CJZ was registered to F. D. St.Clair, Port Jefferson L.I., N.Y. The 1948 Radio Amateur Call Book lists W2CJZ as Francis D. St.Clair, Belle Terre, Port Jefferson L.I., N.Y. W2US was registered to W. Hannah 1203 Roanoke Riverhead, L.I., N.Y.
Some W2DQ call sign history
Frank John Ryder was first licensed in 1917 at the age of 12 as 2AYW. According to FCC records
Frank received a new call sign in 1925-1926, 2DQ. When the FCC added a letter prefix to all call
signs, aprox 1926 – 1927, Frank John Ryder was the first one to hold the current club call sign
According to the 1927 Radio Amateur Call Book, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE – BUREAU OF
the 1st time the call sign W2DQ is ever issued.
Our Mission
We accomplish our mission by encouraging innovation in ham radio, providing public service and educational opportunities, fostering goodwill within our community, all while having fun in the process. Visit our Discover Amateur Radio page to find out more about this exciting hobby!
Comments and Suggestions Welcome
In addition to discussing and conducting Club business, interesting speakers or programs of interest to Amateur Radio are the usual topics for the monthly meetings. All input from our guests or members for future meetings is appreciated. Feel free to use our contact form.
If you are a guest speaker and would like to make a presentation related to Amateur Radio, please get in touch with us using our contact form.
Suffolk County Radio Club
PO Box 302
Medford, NY 11763-0302