It was 9am on Saturday June 22, 2024 and the Tesla Science center was bustling with activity. The Suffolk County Radio Club had descended upon their ARRL Field Day 2024 activity location. The event setup plan was set into motion. Coffee flowed, Generators and batteries were deployed. Tables and chairs were set in place. Radios were placed upon the tables and coax cables run through the fields to the established antenna locations. Antennas were erected. Canopies and tents were opened and secured. Power cables connected and computers turned on. Breakfast was served. By the time 2pm rolled around the Suffolk County Radio Club had 3 simultaneous stations on the air along with a GOTA station, PIO table, and visitor log books all prepared for the event. This was the largest Field Day event the club has administered in recent history. The event ran for 24 hours straight. Members came and went as their schedules allowed. We made hundreds of ssb, cw and digital contacts throughout the event. Another great successful event was in the books by 2pm on Sunday June 23, 2024. Tear down began and was finished around 5pm. Thanks to all the help and support from all the club members from setup, to tear down and everything in between we were able to achieve our goal of another amazing event with lots of great memories.
Events like Field Day are not just radio events or emergency practice events. They are wonderful social events as well as a way for friends and families to spend time together, enjoy each others company, have some laughs and fun. We had club members attend as well as the general public. We did a great job being ambassadors for amateur radio. We even had some non club members joins us for the 24 hour event and spend some excellent father-son time bonding while enjoying the ham radio hobby.
Be sure to browse the photos below and think about joining the Suffolk County Radio Club Family at the next event. We can only succeed as a group!!

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